Mahou Kaiju Series Wiki

The various gods fighting during the Great War

Gods ( Kami?) are very powerful beings that dwell on the surface world and surrounding realms among mortals and other beings, prominent players in the mythos of the Mahou Kaiju Series universe, at least on Earth and Underworld, and are a principal object of faith and worship in various religions and mythologies around the world.


Gods, deities and Buddhas can either be similar in appearance to humans, such as Odin and Zeus, or radically different from mortals, such as the dragon god Ryuujin, Ra who, while he could take the appearance of regular human, was actually a centaur-dragon-like entity, or Hades who takes the form of a living skeleton.


The Great Ancient War[]

Babel War[]

War Against the Forbidden[]

Powers and Abilities[]

All Gods have powers surpassing those of very dangerous kaiju and even the Forbidden Ones, while the most powerful have been said to exceed the combined power of the present leaders of all the Three Factions of the Bible, power only rivaled and exceeded by the Forbidden Gods, Ancient Gods and Final Gods, all of which. All the Gods, so far, have displayed expertise in their particular pantheon's magic system.

Because of their immense power, only the weapons and powers of fellow Gods, such as the replica Mjölnir, Odin's Gungnir, or the Holy Grail, can significantly injure or kill them. However, while they are long-lived, with lifespans seemingly measured in millennia, Gods are not completely immortal, growing old and weakening in their later years.

While they can assume humanoid forms to commune with humans, Gods of the Earth possess a special power that allow them to transform into their kaiju-like gigantic "true forms" called Avatars.

In an episode of Young Braves Brigade, Sun Wukong states that some heroes like Hercules have become gods across history, hinting that humans can become Gods, and according to him and Indra, one must have a pure soul, benevolence, and righteousness to become a god. As stated by Indra that gods are honest when it comes to their personalities whether they were good/benevolent god or an evil god. Indra also reveals that the Gods gather the thoughts and belief of humans. The purpose of this gathering is not stated, but it is hinted to have something to do with the strength and influence of their religion.

Existing Mythologies / Religions[]

Known Gods[]

Name Description
El Also known as Yahweh in Judaism, Jehovah in Christianity or Allah in Islam, He is the creator and supreme being of the universe and ruler of Heaven and the Angels. He apparently died in the Great War between the Three Factions with his right arm, the former Archangel Michael, succeeding His place in maintaining His system. His death was kept a secret by the leaders of the Three Factions due to fear of the chaos and increased chances of an attack by a foreign faction (essentially any non-Christian pantheon such as the Norse Gods, Greek Gods, etc.) It was revealed that God presumably died during the war because he put thousands of seals on an extremely powerful being known as 666 and vanished as a result. He was soon revealed to have His consciousness sealed inside the Artificial God Alphadios to regenerate for thousands of years and chosen Magdalena Florentina as His Masyaf and vessel for His complete rejuvenation.
Jesus Christ The Son of God and the principle figure of Christianity. He is the all-loving Messiah who sacrificed His own life, was crucified at the judgment of the Jews and hands of the Romans to save mankind from sin and eternal damnation and resurrected on the third day.
Tetragrammaton Named after the alphabetization of YHWH, which is God's name in Hebrew, Tetragrammaton is the Holy Spirit, the embodiment of the light of the Christian Church and the true power of Alphadios.

Name Description
Amaterasu Also known as Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami, she is the Goddess of the Sun and matron deity of ancient Japanese religions, one of the most prominent mythological and cultural figures in Japan.
Tsukuyomi The God of the moon of the Shinto pantheon and brother-husband of Amaterasu. According to legend, he killed the goddess of food, Uke Mochi, and caused Amaterasu to never face him again, causing the sun and moon to be in different parts of the sky.
Susanoo The God of Sea and Storms and the younger brother of Amaterasu in Japanese mythology. He was the one who slain the Evil Dragon Yamata no Orochi.
Ryūjin The dragon king, sea God, and master of serpents in Japanese mythology.
Hachiman Also known as Hachiman-shin or Yawata no Kami, he is the god of war and the divine protector of Japan and its people.
Raijin The God of Thunder.
Fuujin The God of the Wind.
Ōkuninushi A Japanese God of nation-building, farming, business, and medicine.

Name Description
Zeus The former ruler of the Gods in Greek mythology and one of the Trinity Gods.
Poseidon One of the Trinity Gods of the Greek Pantheon who rules over the sea. He wields the legendary three-pronged spear, Trident, that has the ability to control the sea.
Hades The God of the Realm of the Dead and one of the Trinity Gods of Greek mythology. He was the patron deity of the Mycenaean Empire and one of the Demon Lords of the Underworld Legion.
Ares The God of War in Greek mythology. He conspired with Hades during the Underworld invasion of Earth.
Apollo The God of the Sun and Music in Greek mythology. He became the current Chief-God of Olympus after Zeus' absence and a member of the Justice Alliance.
Artemis The Goddess of Hunt, Moon, and Chastity in Greek mythology.
Hermes The messenger of the Gods in Greek mythology.
Hera The Goddess of Marriage and sister and wife of Zeus in Greek mythology.
Athena The Goddess of Wisdom in Greek mythology.
Demeter The Goddess of Agriculture in Greek mythology.
Hestia The Goddess of the Hearth in Greek mythology.
Aphrodite The Goddess of Love in Greek mythology and the wife of Hephaestus.
Hephaestus The God of Fire and weaponry in Greek mythology and the lover of Aphrodite.
Heracles Also known as Hercules, he was the demigod son of Zeus and the strongest mortal in the world prior to his ascension to godhood.
Cronus The King of the Titans in Greek mythology and father of Zeus who was imprisoned in Tartarus after his overthrow by his own sown.
Atlas The leader of the Titans who fought against in Greek pantheon and was punished by being forced to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Gaia Primordial God of the Earth and living personification of the world.
Uranus Primordial God of the Sky.
Erebus Primordial God of Darkness and the brother of Nyx in Greek mythology.
Nyx Primordial Goddess of the Night and the younger sister of Erebus in Greek mythology.
Tartarus Primordial God in Greek mythology.
Chronos Primordial God of Time in Greek mythology.
Eros Primordial God of Love, Sexual Desire, and Attraction in Greek mythology.
Hypnos The Greek God/personification of sleep.
Oneiroi Greek Gods of dreams.
Morpheus A Greek God of Dreams.
Chaos The primordial and orderless void of nothingness in Greek mythology which is said to have existed even before time and space came to be and created the universe. It is revealed in Kaiju World War: Part 2 that Chaos is one of the many names and assumed identities of the Absolute God, the Final God Azathoth-Omega.

Name Description
Ra The Sun God and leader of the Egyptian pantheon.
Horus The God of the Sky, protector of ancient Egypt and one of the most revered deities of the ancient Egyptian mythology. He is the only God in the pantheon to survive the Ancient War.
Osiris The great-grandson of Ra, God of life in the Egyptian pantheon.
Set The God of the Desert and Lord of Darkness, one of the more hostile members of the Egyptian pantheon.
Sekhmet The Egyptian goddess of war and a daughter of Ra.
Isis The Goddess of healing in Egyptian mythology and the sister and wife of Osiris.
Anubis The God of the Dead of the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
Hathor The Goddess of women and fertility of the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
Thoth The God of writing and wisdom.
Serqet The Goddess of scorpions.
Sobek The God of Crocodiles and the Lord of the Faiyum Oasis.
Neith The Mother Goddess of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. She was the matron goddess of the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and the city of Zau in the Delta. According to the some cults worshiping her, she was the creator of the world and mother of the Sun God Ra.
Ptah The god of craftsmen and architects and patron deity of Memphis. Similar to Neith, he was revered by worshipers in Memphis as the creator god of the universe.
Nephthys The goddess of the air and twin sister and dark counterpart of Isis, revered as "The Excellent Goddess".

Name Description
Odin The former ruler of Asgard and leader of the Norse Gods. A very powerful God who was overthrown by a traitorous Loki in the siege of Asgard.
Freyr The God of Sacral Kingship in Norse mythology.
Loki The Evil God of the Norse mythology who orchestrated the invasion of Asgard, captured Odin and initiated Ragnarök but was defeated. He was the main antagonist of Mouchuu: Little Kaiju of Pranks.
Thor The God of Thunder in Norse mythology who is associated with thunder, lightning, and storms, son of Odin, and is the brother of Víðarr. He wields the mighty hammer, Mjölnir.
Vidar The God of Vengeance in Norse mythology, son of Odin, and the brother of Thor. He became the new Chief-God of the pantheon after Asgard's destruction. He is also Vali's older stepbrother and the only one Fenrir fears.
Freyja The Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Warfare in Norse mythology.
Heimdall The Guardian God of Asgard in Norse mythology.
Baldur The God of Beauty in Norse mythology.
Hel Loki's daughter, ruler of Niflheim and Goddess of the Dead in Norse mythology.
Gna The Goddess who runs errands in other worlds for the goddess Frigg and rides the flying, sea-treading horse Hófvarpnir. She is a maid for Odin's family.
Fulla The Goddess who attends to the ashen box and the footwear owned by the goddess Frigg, and, in addition, Frigg confides in Fulla her secrets. She is a maid for Odin's family.
Hlin A goddess associated with the goddess Frigg. She is a maid for Odin's family.
Surtr The God of the Fire Giants in Muspelheim who far more powerful than the entirety of the Norse mythology and responsible for the destruction of all the Nine Realms during Ragnarok, with the exception of Alfheim and Earth.

Name Description
Indra The King of the Gods (Devas) and Lord of Heaven (Svargaloka) in Hindu mythology. He is also the God of War, Storms, and Rainfall.
Shiva The God of Destruction in Hindu mythology and considered as one of the strongest existences in the world. He appeared in Gamera vs. the Goddamn Samurai, when Azazel asked him for help to pit 666 as soon as it awakens. He agreed under the condition that he will not interfere with the actions of the Migdal Bavel. He will only move in case of emergency.
Mahabali The young Prince of the Asuras and son of Virochana. He became a loyal subordinate of Shiva's army to seek vengeance against Indra for murdering his father.
Brahma The God of Creation in Hindu mythology and one of the Trimurti. He, along with Vishnu and the seven major gods sealed themselves to fight 666 and plead to Shiva to protect the world.
Vishnu The God of Protection in Hindu mythology and one of the Trimurti. He, along with Brahma and the seven major Gods sealed themselves to fight 666 and ask Shiva to protect the world.
Varuna The God of Water in Hindu mythology and the current king of Asura after the previous king Vairochana was killed by Indra.
Hanuman The God of Devotion in Hindu mythology.
Ganesha The God of New Beginnings in Hindu mythology.
Sarasvati The Goddess of Music and Wisdom and one of the Tridevi, consorts of the Trimurti. She is the wife of Brahma.

Name Description
Lugh The God of the Sun in Irish mythology.
Balor The Evil God of Irish-Celtic Mythology.

Name Description
Sun Wukong Formerly a monkey Daiyoukai that became "The Great Victorious Fighting Buddha" (闘戦勝仏とうせんしょうぶつ Tōsen Jōbutsu?).
Xuanzang Sanzang Formerly a human monk that travelled to India to retrieve the sutras along with Sun Wukong, becoming a Buddha in the process. He appears in the short story "Wolf's Emblem" where he served as Albion's counsellor under Sun Wukong's request.
Nezha A deity in Chinese Taoist mythology, considered as a Buddha known as Prince Nezha.
Vaiśravaṇa The chief of the Four Heavenly Kings and protector of the north in Buddhist mythology. He is the ruler of rain.
Virūḍhaka King of the south, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and one who causes the good growth of roots in Buddhist mythology. He is the ruler of the wind.
Dhṛtarāṣṭra King of the east, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and the God of music in Buddhist mythology.
Virūpākṣa King of the west, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and one who sees all in Buddhist mythology.
Guan Yu A general who served the warlord Liu Bei in the Eastern Han dynasty who became a God of Commerce of Mount Meru under Indra.
Gautama Buddha The Buddha and founder of Buddhism in Buddhism.
Guanyin The God of Mercy in Buddhism.
Enma The Lord of Hell in Buddhism, known for his strict nature and has influence in both Hinduism and Buddhism. He does not agree with the plan of Hades.

Name Description
Ahura Mazda The God of Light and Creation in Zoroastrianism.
Angra Mainyu The God of Darkness and Evil in Persian mythology.

Name Description
Marduk The Patron God of ancient Babylonian mythology.

Name Description
Huitzilopochtli The Aztec deity of war, sun, human sacrifice, and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan.
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered-Serpent God of the Mesoamerican mythology.
Xipe Totec The God of spring and vegetation of the Aztec-Mayan pantheon.

Name Description
Darius the Hellbourne
Ryuuji Kuroi
Space Demon King
Queen Himika
Ressar Salamander
Forbidden Offspring The 100th Forbidden God to exist in the universe. Born in the core of the planet Yuggoth, it became the heart of the ultimate abomination Quasarmageddon Chaos.

Name Description

Name Description
Scor-Spear The ruler and patron deity of the Scorpio Republic. Reincarnated as Serqet of the Egyptian pantheon.
Cancerd The ruler and patron deity of the Cancer Shogunate. Reincarnated as the Japanese god Hachiman.
Piscegalleon The leader and chief god of the United Kingdom of Pisces and Cetus. Reincarnated as the Egyptian deity Sobek.
Aqua-Elysion The leader and protector deity of the Aquarius Republic. Reincarnated as Hathor.
Geminize The leader and matron goddess of the Gemini Federation. Reincarnated as the twins Isis and Nephthys.
Libra-Golem The monarch and patron god of the Libra Kingdom. Reincarnated as Osiris.
Vielje The princess and matron deity of the Principality of Virgo. Reincarnated as Neith.
Dragonic-Taurus The ruler and primary deity of the Taurus Federated States. Reincarnated as Ptah.
Stein-Bolg The ruler of the Capricorn Empire and a traitorous deity, who joined Asklepiooze in civil war against the Zodian Confederacy. Reincarnated as Set.
Sephiro-Aries The leader and protector of the Kingdom of Aries. Reincarnated as Hathor.
Strike-Leo The ruler and defender god of the United Leo Federation. Reincarnated as Sekhmet.
Sagitto-Dragon The leader and patron deity of the Scorpio Republic, as well as the de factor ruler of the Zodian Confederation and its forces. Reincarnated as the Egyptian sun god Ra.
Asklepiooze The mysterious 13th deity of the Zodians who emerged from the darkness and corrupted many within the Confederation to fight against Sagitto-Dragon's rule.

Name Description
Gebel Gehennah
Bast Also called Bastet, she is the Goddess of protection and cats of the Egyptian pantheon. She is, however, an entity who, as an Ancient God, is far beyond the powers of the Egyptian gods.
Deus Nodens The patron deity of the Campbellians.

Name Description
Quasar Estes
El Millennium
Za Billennium
Ygso'Gurath The fusion of the carcasses of the Final Gods Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath, with the souls of the two unified within.
Quasarmageddon Chaos



  • Valkyries, such as Alice Valkyrie, are considered as demi-gods.
  • Grim Reapers are a sub-species of Gods serving under Hades.